
Source: Ron Paul Liberty Report

“Vaccine Tyranny — Will You Take Bill Gates'[s] Shot?” [Flash video] (08/03/20)



Source: The Hill
by Juan Williams

“What happens to reality TV shows when they go into summer reruns? The ratings sink. That’s also true for a reality TV show host when the audience gets tired of seeing him repeat the same old act. Before the 2018 election, President Trump screamed about a caravan of menacing immigrants approaching the border. For the 2020 election, he is fear-mongering by shouting about chaos and anarchy in cities run by Democrats. As with all reruns, the ratings go down. Now Trump is whining. Last week, he stood in the White House briefing room in front of a national television audience and asked why Dr. Anthony Fauci is so popular.” (08/03/20)



江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网 安装翻墙软件被查处_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-12-9 · 网络安监员反电信诈骗:3年几乎没睡过几次好觉,数万元被骗、假冒淘宝客服、接警地浙江湖州、受害人是新手卖家,几条线索摆在眼前。诈骗过程很 ...

“Spain’s former monarch, Juan Carlos I, is leaving Spain to live in another, unspecified, country amid a financial scandal, according to a letter published on the royal family’s website Monday. The letter from Juan Carlos to his son, King Felipe VI, said: ‘I am informing you of my considered decision to move, during this period, out of Spain.’ Juan Carlos, in the letter, said he made the decision against the backdrop of ‘public repercussions of certain episodes of my past private life.’ He said he wanted to ensure he doesn’t make his son’s role difficult, adding that ‘my legacy, and my own dignity, demand that it should be so.’ Juan Carlos’ current whereabouts were not known.” [editor’s note: Former king in exile, current one in quarantine; maybe time for Spain to rethink things? – SAT] (08/03/20)



Source: CounterPunch
by Linda G Ford

独立自主!长征五号火箭担当 中国火星探测器7月发射_科技 ...:2021-5-25 · 2021年,我国的火星探测任务正式批准立项,计划在“十三五”规划收官之年,也就是2021年,首次独立自主开展火星探测。据航天科技集团官方消息,当前,我国正在按计划推进“天问一号”火星探测这一重大工程,今年7月,长征五号运载火箭将会发射火星探测器。



Source: Commentary

“The Election Day Disaster Scenario.” [various formats] (08/03/20)


Open Letter to Mercatus Center

Source: Cobden Centre
by Keith Weiner

“Dear Mr. Horan and Mercatus …. You ask the question: Is a Gold Standard Practical Today? The question is more urgent than ever. But your answer does not really answer the question. The lede of your article asserts without evidence, ‘Despite the strengths of a gold standard system, there are better alternatives.’ And in the first paragraph, you commit a logical fallacy that you reuse later in the article, ‘ … it would be immensely difficult to implement in today’s world of modern central banks.’ You have reversed the cart and the horse. You take central banks as a fact of nature, and ask if the gold standard would fit. Instead, you should ask if central banks fit the needs of market participants in a free society.” (08/03/20)



Source: Common Dreams
by Paul Buchheit

“The Covid-19 pandemic threatens to impoverish millions of people around the world, in both developing and advanced countries. But many Americans refuse to allow their nation to be compared to a developing country. Their poverty definitions are simplistic, based on globally calculated ‘dollars per day’ numbers that ignore critical aspects of day-to-day survival in the world’s poorest communities. … Poverty is not just the lack of money and possessions. The World Bank defines poverty as the pronounced deprivation of well-being. The UK’s Poverty and Social Exclusion project lists numerous indicators of deprivation that contribute to poverty.” (08/03/20)


东北网2021年06月25日新闻汇总:苏亚雷斯成免费广告红人 咬人段子遭广告商恶搞 2021-06-25 11:00 [1029][ 东北网体育 ] 意大利重压之下太不冷静 主帅抱怨:比赛非常荒唐 2021-06-25 11:00

Source: Fox News

“Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday revoked the authority of county officials to mandate schools close amid a clash with local health officials. Local health officials in Maryland’s Montgomery County last week made the decision to keep private and parochial schools closed through October for in-person learning, arguing that having students in the classroom would present a danger to pupils and teachers as the state grapples with COVID-19. But Hogan amended an emergency executive order, which he issued April 5, that allowed local health departments to have the authority to close any individual facility deemed to be unsafe. He called the Montgomery County mandate ‘overly broad.'” (08/03/20)



Source: FiveThirtyEight
by Maggie Koerth & Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux

“Will you get robbed this year? How would you rate your chances? Over 10 years, from 1994 to 2004, the national Survey of Economic Expectations asked respondents to do just that. People estimated their risks for a whole host of bad-news life events — robbery, burglary, job loss and losing their health insurance. But the survey didn’t just ask respondents to rate their chances: It also asked whether those things had actually happened to them in the last year. And that combination of questions revealed something important about American fear: We are terrible at estimating our risk of crime — much worse than we are at guessing the danger of other bad things. Across that decade, respondents put their chance of being robbed in the coming year at about 15 percent. Looking back, the actual rate of robbery was 1.2 percent.” (08/03/20)

只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 热门推荐 让20元行政处罚不再磨叽!宁波城管要推广这件事 2021-06-16 12:17 嘉兴端午民俗文化节细节公布 今年将新增“云端约会” 2021-06-16 12:17 为“网红主播”发上岗证!

Biden campaign pumps candidate full of IV anti-dementia drugs in attempt to get him lucid enough to understand what week it is

Source: Yahoo! News

“Don’t get your hopes up for a running mate announcement from presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden this week. Although Biden last week said that he was ‘going to have a choice’ for his vice president pick ‘in the first week in August,’ The Washington Post reports that his search has been ‘extended,’ and the campaign is ‘signaling that it will likely wait until the second week of August’ to tap his running mate. ABC News similarly writes that ‘it’s looking like’ the announcement won’t happen this week.” (08/03/20)
